
First Aid Training Online & Broken Bones

Australia is a land filled with very adventurous and sporty souls, and with that comes mild and serious broken bones. Bone fractures that pierce through the skin can be a harrowing experience for those trying to help as well as the victim. This type of injury, known as an open or compound fracture, poses significant risks that go beyond the broken bone itself. 

Those who have completed a first aid course online in Australia will have invaluable knowledge and skills that add value in such complex emergencies.

The Dangers of an Open Fracture

Knowing how to stabilise the injury and prevent further harm until emergency medical services arrive can make a significant difference in the outcome for the patient.

Step-By-Step Approach

Here are the steps to follow for managing an open fracture:

  • Ensure Safety First: Before approaching the injured person, ensure the scene is safe. Use gloves to protect yourself and the injured person from contamination.
  • Call Emergency Services: An open fracture is a medical emergency that requires professional care. Dial emergency services immediately. 
  • Avoid Repositioning the Bone: Never try to push the protruding bone back into the wound or manipulate it in any way. This could cause additional damage to the muscles, nerves and blood vessels around the injury.
  • Control Bleeding: If the person is bleeding heavily, apply pressure using a clean cloth or dressing around (but not on) the wound. If the bleeding is moderate, elevate the limb above the heart level if it’s possible and safe to do so. Avoid direct pressure on the bone, as this could worsen the injury.
  • Cover The Wound: Use a sterile dressing or clean cloth to cover the wound and protect it from dirt and bacteria. If possible, loosely wrap a bandage around the area to hold the dressing in place without applying pressure directly over the exposed bone. 
  • Immobilise The Limb: Stabilising the affected area is crucial. Use a splint or any rigid material, such as a rolled-up magazine or a stick, to keep the bone and joint above and below the fracture site immobilised. 
  • Monitor For Signs Of Shock: Watch for signs of shock, such as pale or clammy skin, rapid breathing or confusion. Keep the person warm and comfortable by covering them with a blanket. 

While completing a first aid course online in Australia provides foundational knowledge and confidence to handle emergencies, it’s important to remember that these situations require professional medical attention.

Protect your loved ones. Sign up for a first aid course online in Australia today!

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